The "GCDF 職涯 GPS Scheme" is a career development facilitation service scheme provided by the Global Career Development Facilitators (GCDF) trained by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
The Scheme aims to provide interested students with guidance and assistance in planning or embarking on their career development, by making available to them the specialist service of the GCDFs. Participating students will yield valuable insights and understanding for career and life planning, while GCDFs will gain value-added exposure in career development facilitation under supervisory support.
Benefits for the participating students: |
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acquire better self-understanding |
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identify career interests |
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enhance motivation and goal setting towards development of greater career-related competencies with planning |
The main service targets of the Scheme are students of:
‧ CUSCS full-time programmes
‧ CUHK's Chung Chi College (崇基學院) leaflet video kick-off ceremony
‧ CUHK's Wu Yee Sun College (伍宜孫書院)
poster leaflet kick-off ceremony 
52 students from CUSCS Higher Diploma Programmes and Chung Chi College of CUHK have taken part in the Scheme from 2018-19. They are provided career facilitation by 52 trained GCDFs.
Since December 2014, over 170 students from CUHK's Chung Chi College and Wu Yee Sun College have gained benefits from the Scheme, with participation of nearly 150 trained GCDFs.

"Facilitators are helpful, caring and professional! The meetings are inspiring and help me know more about my nature and aspiration."
「本計劃幫助參與者發現自己的職業興趣與個人長處、弱點等,使參與者更有具體的方向與信心面對今後的職業尋求與發展。 」
「 一對一的面談能幫助學員深入了解自己,及探討未來可能性 。 」
“Through the Scheme I could apply the knowledge and skills learnt from the GCDF course to real situations. It not only provided me with a great opportunity to work with young adults on their career planning, but also enabled me to assist university students in understanding themselves further. I am glad to have joined this Scheme and look forward to more of similar opportunities.”
“The Scheme gave me a good opportunity to practise and improve my facilitation skills. I have also gained more understanding of the assessment tools, and how to base my feedback on the results of the assessments done. During the process, I deeply realised the importance of sincerity, empathy, and unconditional positive regard. My client thanked me for creating a safe and positive environment which encouraged her to think thoroughly. I am now more confident to deal with cases of greater complexity in the future.”