Daisy Wang (CUHK alumna) 
"With a recent movement to new position and working environment, I met a lot of challenges and felt a bit lost. Thanks to the GCDF sessions, I met Kylie and she not only used professional tools to help me find my inner values, understand my abilities and areas for improvement, but also facilitates me to have more insights on how I would build a career that I can truly enjoy.
To me, this kind of connection and communication is quite special and precious, as it is not from parent, friend or mentor, but from a career development facilitator who can guide and inspire me through an objective and professional way. Now I have more confidence to deal with the challenges. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my GCDF - Kylie." |
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Allen Au-Yeung (CUHK alumnus) 
"The first few years of worklife after leaving school is a different experience for everyone and it can be difficult. I am very grateful to have met Kylie, my GCDF, through CUHK's alumni event. She had kindly spared several evenings out of her busy schedule to talk to me in depth.
Through the GCDF sessions with Kylie, I was able to identify again and with much better clarity, my current goals as well as strengths. This all helped me stay focused on the future. I am thankful to have met Kylie and I highly recommend everyone to try reaching out to a GCDF if you are feeling lost." |
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Ngai Ka Bo (CUHK alumna) 
"GCDF is a very good platform for me to reflect on my expectations for my ideal job. The GCDF instructor may not give concrete or explicit answer to my questions, but throughout the conversation with him, he acted like a mirror to help me discovering my preferences or strengths such that I can gradually identify the directions I can explore more on it or go ahead.
I gained more courage to explore my future career path as well, I am really thankful to my GCDF instructor Alex to provide lots of useful and important advice during our meetings! Hence I highly recommend this platform to those CUHK students or alumni who get lost in developing their career path." |
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Yankee Siu
(CUHK alumna) 
其後,又會了解現時的市場供求,檢視過去工作經驗所獲得的技能可以如何應用,如此一來發現求職目標更明確。最後以會影響對工作滿足感的條件排優次作結,發現原來找工作方向並不如大海撈針般困難,是有跡可循。過去我希望找一份穩定的工作,但現在我希望可以挑戰自己更多,設定目標向理想進發。盼望現在感到迷茫或未能從工作找到滿足感的你都可以認識GCDF,找到真心喜歡的職業,發展所長!最後感謝幫助過我的師姐Mabel和Dr. Chan!」 |
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Ken Tsang (CUHK alumnus) 
「是次活動令我了解自己的能力和想法,我清楚了解自己適合什麼類型的工作和自己在理想的工作上欠缺什麼能力。感謝導師的聆聽和教導。」 |
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Lydia Chu (CUHK alumna) 
"GCDF helps me to understand my position in the industry, motivates me to well prepare and makes me feel less alone. I have graduated from CUHK for several years now, I am planning to move aboard due to personal reason but this change made me quite anxious about my career development. I was lucky enough to meet a GCDF on CU career development day, and she was willing to help me voluntarily for 4 sessions. I remember I felt like I was lost in a park at night when I first encountered her, but after 4 sessions of guidance, I did more preparation work and saw a clearer picture of my options and my path. At the end of the sessions, I felt like I am looking at the road sign with a friend standing by my side. It is a very valuable and helpful experience, which I feel blessed to go through it! I am sure more alumni who wish to have more fulfilment in career can be benefitted from it." |