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The School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS), as a member of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, is committed to providing the highest standard of education for all its students, and to maintaining an environment that can facilitate student learning to the fullest extent possible. 


According to the Procedures for Dealing with Student Complaints of Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes set out by the University, all attempts at resolving student grievances/complaints in relation to CUSCS, whether verbally or in writing, will first be handled by the School.  


As such, CUSCS has the following arrangements to handle student grievances/complaints:  

  1. CUSCS will acknowledge receipt of a grievance/complaint within 3 working days.
  2. CUSCS will investigate the grievance/complaint within 7 working days.
  3. CUSCS will respond to the person who voices the grievance/complaint within 10 working days in the form of a meeting, phone call or writing, according to the means of the grievance/complaint.  Follow-up actions to be taken by the School will be communicated, if appropriate.


In the event that a resolution cannot be reached with the School after the above procedures, a current CUSCS student with reasonable grounds to believe there have been irregularities related to his/her studies resulting in his/her being directly affected may lodge a formal complaint in writing to the University for an independent investigation into the matter.


Important notes:

  • Please identify yourself and provide us with your contact information when making a complaint.  Anonymous complaints will not be handled. 
  • All contents and information of complaints will be kept strictly confidential and restricted to internal reference or reference by relevant persons only.
  • In compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486), personal data collected will be used for complaint handling only and not kept longer than necessary.