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Financial Assistance

CEF / Government

Continuing Education Fund (CEF)


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Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students


The Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) is a means-tested financial assistance scheme administered by the HKSAR Government Student Finance Office (SFO). Full-time students aged 30 or below pursuing a Higher Diploma are eligible to apply for assistance under the Scheme. The maximum level of financial assistance is capped at the annual tuition fee payable for the accredited programme subject to a ceiling of HK$93,130*. It also provides means-tested loan to cover the living expenses. The maximum level is capped at HK$58,890*. For enquiries, please contact SFO at 2152 9000 or visit SFO website: You may also contact us at 2209 0290.


* The maximum level of financial assistance is subject to the above ceilings in 2024-25. The amount of assistance is subject to SFO's final decision.



Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS) / Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)


The HKSAR Government Student Finance Office (SFO) has extended its Non-means-tested Loan Scheme to students pursuing local award-bearing programmes at the post-secondary level and above offered by the UGC-funded institutions' schools of professional and continuing education. For details of the Scheme and updated course list, please contact SFO at 2150 6222 or visit SFO website: You may also contact us at 2209 0290.



Tax Deduction for Expenses of Self-Education


Students pursuing a course at CUSCS to gain or maintain qualifications for use in either the current or a planned employment are eligible to apply for the tax deduction in respect of the tuition fee. Students should keep official receipt issued by the School and place the application with Inland Revenue Department via annual tax return. The upper limit for amount deduction is HK$100,000 for the year of assessment 2017-18 and after.


For more information, please visit website of IRD at or contact IRD 24-hour hotline at 187-8088.



Scholarships for Full-time Programmes


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