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Personal & Children Development - Award-bearing Programmes

Professional Diploma Programme in Special Child Care Work

Course No. : 251-722800-01|Start Date : 16/05/2025

Admission Requirements

Applicants should have:
1. Have satisfactory completion of an Associate Degree / Higher Diploma in related disciplines; or equivalent; or
2. Be a Qualified Kindergarten Teacher (QKT); or
3. Be a Registered Child Care Worker (CCW); or
4. Aged 21 or above*.

*Interviews may be required.


SCS instructor

Language Used

Cantonese (supplemented with English)

Total Hours

210 hours


Central Learning Centre

Start Date



Every Tuesday & Friday


19:00 - 22:00

Application Fee


Tuition Fee



Advanced Diploma / Professional Diploma

QF Level


QR Registration No.


QR Registration Validity Period

25/05/2017 - Ongoing

Course Enquiries

3111 7278 / 3111 7230[JavaScript encoded]

Enrolment Enquiries

2209 0290

Closing Date for Application



This Programme aims to:
1. provide participants with the practical knowledge and skills they need to support children with special needs in the pre-school setting;
2. assist participants to develop strategies to deal with the complex diversity of special needs that teachers would encounter in the classroom;
3. encourage participants to foster an inclusive learning environment for the support of children with special needs.

Joint Organizer

Hong Chi Association (formerly The Hong Kong Association for the Mentally Handicapped) started a class for just four children with intellectual disabilities in 1965. In 1997, the Association was renamed the Hong Chi Association. "Hong" in Chinese means "to assist", while "Chi" refers to "the intellect". Its emphasis is on what people with intellectual disabilities can achieve. Its mission is to assist them in the development of their potentials to the full.

Today, Hong Chi is a non-profit making organization in Hong Kong dedicated to serving over 7,000 people of all ages and all grades of intellectual disabilities. It now operates 81 service units which provide pre-school training, special education, job training, sheltered and supported employment, adult education, day care and training, residential services, family and community support, recreational and social programmes, as well as professional therapy.

Programme Structure and Duration

Participants can complete the Programme within 18 months from the date of registration at SCS, CUHK. There are 7 modules in the Programme (total 210 hours):
1. Understanding Young Children with Special Needs (30 hours)
2. Providing Services to Young Children with Special Needs (30 hours)
3. Play and Learning for Young Children with Special Needs (30 hours)
4. Planning and Evaluating Programmes for Young Children with Special Needs (30 hours)
5. Curriculum Development:Methods & Techniques (30 hours)
6. Observation, Recording and Assessment (30 hours)
7. Project (30 hours)

Module 1: Understanding Young Children with Special Needs

Aims to provide an overview of special needs, and explore how types, characteristics and causes of special needs, including disabilities, learning difficulties, chronic illnesses, behavioural/emotional problems and giftedness can be identified and analyzed.

Module 2: Providing Services to Young Children with Special Needs

Aims to introduce different stages of development that infant and toddlers (up to age 3) will experience.

Module 3: Play and Learning for Young Children with Special Needs

Aims to help participants understand the benefits of play in supporting children with special needs in their motor development, communication and speech development.

Module 4: Planning and Evaluating Programmes for Young Children with Special Needs

Aims to introduce the principles and procedures of planning programmes for children with special needs.

Module 5: Curriculum Development:Methods & Techniques

Aims to offer a practical guide in designing a curriculum with learning opportunities within daily teaching and caring activities and routine.

Module 6: Observation, Recording and Assessment

Aims to illustrate the characteristics of atypical development and children with special needs and introduce several types of common potential developmental delays or other signs that may require professional referrals.

Module 7: Project

Aims to integrate their learning of theories with practical situations in an educational or service setting for children with diverse needs.

Mode of Delivery

The Programme will be delivered by a 3-hour face-to-face lecture once / twice a week.

Assessment Methods and Award of Certificate

Participants will be awarded the 'Professional Diploma in Special Child Care Work' upon fulfilling the following requirements:
1. A minimum of 70% attendance in each module, including practicum, is required.; and
2. Assessment:Participants must pass the assessment of each module.


Graduates will be recognised having acquired training equivalent to the One-year In-service Course in Special Child Care Workers (SCCW) of the SWD.

Continuing Education Fund

This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 4).
CEF Course Code: 44F121366
CEF Course Name: Professional Diploma in Special Child Care Work