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Self-Directed Learning Series: Cognitive Psychology (Postal Mode)
自主學習系列:認知心理學 (郵遞模式)

Course No. : 252-878121-01|Start Date : 26/05/2025

This course will be delivered in Postal Mode.


CUSCS Instructor

Language Used


Total Hours

14.00 hour(s)





Start Date

May 26, 2025

Tuition Fee

HK$ 1,510.00


General Short Courses

Course Enquiries

2209 02262603 6565[JavaScript encoded]

Enrolment Enquiries

2209 0290

Closing Date for Application


Mode of delivery:Distance Learning

This course will NOT provide live sessions. Students will learn in distance learning mode through written course materials in conjunction with the Required Textbook*.

Course materials include: 'Course Guide', 'Course Notes', “Video Clips**”, 'Course Assignments' and 'Study Schedule'. Video clips that are supplemented to the course. They will only cover the main points of the course but not the whole content.

* Students are required to purchase the textbook on their own. For details, please refer to the column 'Required Textbook' below.

** Students in Postal Mode will receive printed course materials ONLY. NO video clips will be provided to students in Postal Mode


Cognitive psychology is, in a broad sense, the study of thinking. It explores how people allocate their mental resources; how they perceive the world around them; how they remember past experiences, how they describe the world with language; and how they reason through problems. Research in cognitive psychology is an exciting field, and the studies can reveal amazing insights into the workings of the human mind.

This course examines the areas of attention, perception, memory, language and problem solving, which are the major areas of research in cognitive psychology.

Course Outline

Section 1 Attention
                Selective Attention
                Divided Attention
                Automatic Processing
Section 2 Perception
                Gestalt Principles
                Visual Perception Theory
                Perception Constancy
Section 3 Memory
                Stages of Memory
                Multi-store Model of Memory
                Working Memory
                Levels of Processing
                Mnemonic Devices
Section 4 Languages and Cognition
                Language Acquisition
                Language Production
                Language Comprehension
                Language, Culture and Thought
                Problem Solving
                Decision Making

Course Duration

Around 14 Weeks

Required Textbook

Eysenck, M W and Keane, M T, Cognitive Psychology:A Student’s Handbook, Psychology Press

* Students are required to purchase the textbook on their own.