The CUSCS Golden Jubilee Conference: Lifelong Learning & Career Development is for anyone who is interested in knowing more about or sharing the issues, models and trends of lifelong learning and career development.
We invite you to participate in the Conference by submitting abstracts for paper presentations addressing one of the following themes:
1. Teaching and learning in lifelong education
2. Workplace learning and education
3. Lifelong learning and job-based training
4. The role of ICT and social media in career guidance
5. Career development and training
6. Models of career development /counselling/facilitation
7. Life planning education and career guidance for secondary schools
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Committee on the basis of academic value and originality. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 5 June 2015 and presenters will be asked to submit their complete papers by 8 July 2015. Each presentation is 30 minutes, including Q&A.
Abstract Guidelines
• Abstracts can be submitted in Chinese or English, most conference participants are expected to be Cantonese speakers
• 200 words maximum
• Do not include in-text citations and references
• Submit the ABSTRACT FORM to the conference email: cuscs2015conf@scs.cuhk.edu.hk
• Deadline: Extended to 31 May 2015
Full paper submission date: 8 July 2015