為了支持各位努力備戰考試的同學,SCDS 預備了生果和零食送給各位,我們會在14 – 21/12中午期間於TKO地下大堂及EOC Basement B105門外擺放Booth,為同學打打氣。
立即按此報名及選擇面試時段 (面試詳情將於27/11或之前以電郵通知)
The Summer Overseas Program is designed to enrich your academic lives by providing a unique international summer learning experience. You are provided with opportunities to study language enhancement and career development related short-term study programmes in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and United States during summer.
Click here to download Program information
Program Application
Step 1: Online register at Student Activities Application System
Step 2: Fill in & upload application form (Download Application Form)
Step 3: Attend the interview on time (Details will be informed by email on 16 or 23 Nov)
1st Round: 16 Nov 2018, 12:00 noon / 2nd Round: 23 Nov 2018, 12:00 noon
* Students who would like to apply for Reaching Out Award (ROA), please submit your application in 1st round and attend interview on 19 or 21 Nov.