SCDS為大家預備了一系列求職升學小貼士的video, 包括如何清楚填寫申請表, 如何清晰回覆電郵, 及面試要點, 希望有助同學在升學及求職路上突圍而出, 成功獲得心儀的學位/工作。請即到SCDS網頁收看!
SCDS – 求職升學101

SCDS為大家預備了一系列求職升學小貼士的video, 包括如何清楚填寫申請表, 如何清晰回覆電郵, 及面試要點, 希望有助同學在升學及求職路上突圍而出, 成功獲得心儀的學位/工作。請即到SCDS網頁收看!
SCDS would like to introduce a relaxation method to all of you, Zentangle.
It is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. You can use a background template, which contains pre-arranged lines producing segments that you can ‘tangle’ within, or you can simply start with a blank piece of paper. Tangles are just the combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, S-curves and orbs.
Zentangle was discovered by Maria Thomas, found herself doodling background patterns on a manuscript she was writing. She noticed that while she drew, she experienced feelings of liberation, well-being and complete focus, with no usual thoughts or worries entering her mind. This is how people describe meditation – and now it’s how people are describing Zentangle!
Source from Internet
1_ Zentangle Introduction
2_ How to draw a Mandala with Zentangles (Source: Instructables Craft)
Below please find some zentangle patterns for reference
Holly and Vincent
E-learning might sound easy but it is double the effort to make learning effective! How to maximize our time while we continue to expand our knowledge at home? SCDS has gathered 5 elements for you to enhance your time management skills.
Goal Setting
Holly & Vincent
One of the biggest concerns of the novel coronavirus is its highly contagious characteristic, the most effective prevention of society outbreak is to stay indoors and avoid social contacts. How can we enhance social support while we are staying at home? SCDS is sharing 5 tips with you today!
Stay connected
There’re always alternatives when we can’t meet with friends face to face. We can check in with others via phone call, Facetime, Whatsapp and all kinds of social media, playing online game together is not such a bad idea!
Care for the neighborhood
We might not pay too much attention to the neighbors who live next to us, but it’s never too late to show some love and care to one another, especially during this critical periods. Why not have a small chat and greet them next time when you see them around? Small gesture leads to a powerful community!
Disconnect in order to connect
With the advanced technology, we are surrounded by all kinds of information via news and social media, it could be emotionally and mentally draining! Let’s turn off all devices and give ourselves a break, spend quality time with family and be observant and sensitive to their needs.
More patience, acceptance and support
This is a difficult time for everyone in Hong Kong, it is important that we encourage and support one another, we will be able to get past it!
Take good care of yourself
We can’t care for others unless we care for ourselves first! Make sure you have decent amount of rest, maintain a balance diet, stay positive and keep well. We will be exploring time management tips for E-learning and coping strategies for stress soon, stay tuned on our updates!
Holly & Vincent
「師友計劃」 感謝卡設計比賽由CUSCS SCDS主辦,旨在讓同學發揮創意,對參與計劃的導師付出個人寶貴時間,無私與同學同行,表達深切謝意。得獎作品將會列印成感謝卡,於「師友計劃」閉幕典禮時致送給各導師。獎品豐富,鼓勵同學積極參與!
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